How Precision Laser Cutting for Medical Devices Elevates Quality

 In Medical Device Design

Medical device developers have been using lasers since the 70s. As medical devices have evolved, so have the lasers that create them. Precision laser cutting technology is a standard choice for developers and manufacturers thanks to the reliability, replicability and accuracy of the technology. Furthermore, manufacturing medical devices with laser cutting creates better quality products and results for end-users. Whether the final device is designed for surgeons, doctors or patients, precision laser cutting for medical devices improves the final quality of the device and in turn, the outcomes of patient care. 

Precision Design and Manufacturing

A row of lasers work to create a medical device.

The precise design and engineering of medical devices necessitates the use of laser cutting and other modern technology. Precision laser cutting for medical devices improves all stages of development, from design to prototyping to final manufacturing. The programmable capabilities of laser cutting allows the accuracy and quality to be repeatable across large quantities of medical devices. 

As medical technology evolves, it necessitates a finer attention to detail. With smaller, sleeker designs, medical devices have become more efficient and user-friendly. In order to elevate the device quality to a level acceptable to end-users, laser technology is an essential part of the development process. 

High-quality, next-level medical device technology can now be created using laser cutting in order to improve patient outcomes. Laser technology can be integrated in development without requiring more engineers on a job, the process is more accurate than relying on a human engraver or cutter. By using laser technology in medical device development, manufacturers can create complex devices and designs to elevate the quality of patient care. 

Laser cutting technology aids in the development of: 

  • Stents
  • Implants
  • Vascular Clips
  • Flexible Shafts
  • Surgical Devices

Shorter Healing Times for Patients

A view of a patient in bed with an IV made by laser cutting in their arm. 

With improvements in medical device manufacturing, patients and doctors benefit from improved medical devices. Surgeons and medical professionals’ jobs are made easier thanks to precision laser cutting technology, which allows them to utilize modern procedures such as laparoscopic technology and other instruments with refined detail. Precise implements in surgery and other patient care lead to more effective results. 

In fact, as developers continue to manufacture medical devices using lasers, patients are beginning to see improved care and faster recovery times. Minimally invasive surgeries, implants and other medical devices allow patients to adapt to medical treatment more easily and quickly. Thanks to advanced precision laser technology, doctors can precisely treat patients while the patients are able to heal, recover and see improved healthcare overall. 

By producing high-quality medical devices, engineers can find ways to more effectively and accurately deliver treatments, medicines and other necessary care to patients. In turn, patients benefit from these treatments directly and see overall improvement in their day-to-day care. 

Efficiency in Healthcare

A green laser of a Nextern medical device traces an area on a patient’s body. 

Finally, using precision laser cutting for medical devices improves the efficiency of healthcare for engineers as well as medical professionals. Manufacturing medical devices using precision laser cutting is more cost-effective than manual processes, making it the ideal choice for creating high-quality products at any quantity. Manufacturers can create medical devices at large quantities with laser cutting and find accuracy, reliability and replicability in doing so. This is optimal for developers, clinicians or other medical professionals seeking to mass-produce medical devices or instruments. 

Laser cutters are also versatile and customizable. New technology is capable of cutting through or carefully engraving in many different materials, including glass, metal, wood and plastic. For medical devices that require biocompatibility, laser cutting can get the job done while maintaining the integrity of the device. Finally, precision laser cutting technology makes creating medical devices faster and can complete tasks more reliably than other technology.

By implementing laser cutting technology into medical device manufacturing, developers and medical professionals elevate the quality of their projects and devices. This in turn translates to better patient care and efficiency in healthcare. Doctors, surgeons and patients directly benefit from laser cutting technology thanks to its precision, reliability and versatility. 

Bring Your Device to Market With Nextern

Medical devices continue to evolve to deliver best-in-class healthcare to patients around the world. In order to achieve reliable, high-quality care, technology such as precision laser cutting is absolutely essential. The developers, engineers and manufacturers at Nextern understand the importance of creating a device that works for doctors, surgeons and patients alike. 

We implement the best laser cutting technology in our medical device development process to ensure we bring the most advanced and optimized devices to market. During all stages of the development process, we are committed to delivering expert care and diligence to ultimately improve patient outcomes. Contact Nextern and learn how we can develop a partnership that will get your medical device to market.

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Nextern biomedical engineers review recently developed accessible medical devices at the Nextern R & D Lab in White Bear Lake, MN.Nextern employees work on exciting new medical devices in a Nextern lab.