How Nextern Helps to Make Quality Healthcare More Accessible

 In Medical Device Design

At Nextern, our goal is to improve patient care. We work with partners to design, engineer and manufacture medical devices to bring them to market. Before we collaborate with our partners, however, we carefully vet each one in order to ensure everyone involved gets the most of the partnership. Once we start working together, our goals become aligned. We are dedicated to empowering our partners and creating quality, accessible medical devices. We leverage our international network of resources to do just that. 

Alignment From the Beginning

As we start project collaboration, the team at Nextern aligns our goals with partners from the beginning. In doing so, we ensure that everyone is on the same page right away. By aligning incentives from the beginning, Nextern is given more freedom to create accessible healthcare devices by using our whole arsenal of tools. Rather than having to continuously check in with each other, our partners and manufacturers are able to trust each other and the process from the start. 

If our partners bring their projects to us at a point in production other than the start, we can work with that, too. In these cases, we learn as much as we can about the past production and planning of our partner’s medical device project, and how we can jump in and help. Even if the medical device is ready to go to market, we ensure that it is accessible and achieves everyone’s goal. 

The end goal for Nextern is to help produce a quality, accessible medical device. Our focus is on improving patient outcomes. Conversations between Nextern and our partners often focus on this goal, to ensure we are speaking the same language and have the same end goal in sight. In doing so, we can create a plan that is focused on patients, rather than our own pocketbooks. 

Automation Streamlines the Process

Creating quality, accessible medical devices takes time. From research and development to production and engineering, our projects often take years to complete. To achieve efficient, quality production, Nextern finds ways to optimize the process. 

With the help of 3D printing, we are able to streamline the development of medical device projects. Our medical-grade 3D printers are capable of creating organic shapes and prototypes. With these prototypes and devices in hand sooner, rather than having to wait for injection molding, we are able to beta test and optimize devices more quickly. 3D printing technology has become standard in medical device production. Nextern’s team takes full advantage of this technology to deliver quality products and accessible medical devices to the market. 

Once a medical device is ready for patient use, Nextern continues to ensure it is optimized and working properly. Our goal is to improve patient outcomes, and we are not satisfied with less. Nextern is continuously updating our process and the user experience by adding in automation features to devices and improving the interface for patients. 

The user experience is top of mind during the research, development, prototype and production process. Thanks to our automated technology and our manufacturing capabilities, we are able to find ways to optimize this experience for patients, making our partners’ medical device projects more accessible and user-friendly. 

Liink Health

Liink Health is a branch of Nextern, designed to create and optimize software solutions for medical device connectivity. Our partners often turn to Liink for cloud-based software solutions, as well as optimized user experience. 

Aligning with our goal of improving patient care, Liink fits in perfectly with Nextern and our partners. With UX/UI design in mind, the engineers at Liink design and develop software, including web and mobile apps, to create accessible medical devices for patients. This is an invaluable arm of Nextern that is focused directly on the patient and provider experience. 

In providing our partners with the expert software engineers at Liink Health, Nextern propels medical device projects forward while keeping accessibility and ease of use at the top of our mind. 

Accessible Medical Devices are the Future of Healthcare

Nextern is dedicated to creating accessible medical devices for improved patient care. By leveraging our international network of design, manufacturing and engineering resources, we are able to empower our partners’ medical device projects and propel them to the future of healthcare. 

As Nextern continues to grow and develop, we keep our partners and their patients at the forefront of our work. Whether you have an idea for a new medical device that you want to expound upon, or if you need help mass producing your project, the team of engineers at Nextern can help. Contact us to learn how you can get your project off the ground, or visit our website to learn more. 

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