How Nextern Maintains an Innovative and Engaging Workplace

 In Blog, Nextern

It’s no secret that the work we do at Nextern can be challenging. We help impact people’s lives through the manufacturing, iteration, and optimization of world class medical devices. Succeeding in the biomedical engineering field requires concentration, dedication and versatility. We do not take this privilege and responsibility lightly. In order to achieve the balance of impeccable work and vibrant culture that we are known for, we have learned a thing or two about creating an engaging workplace.

From our workplace to yours, here are a few ways to create an engaging, enjoyable environment.

Prioritize Employee Well-being

At Nextern, we value our teams. Our engineers are hard-working and put their all into everything they do. We believe that taking care of them is important. We offer competitive salaries, flexible work spaces and a comprehensive benefits package. Nextern fills our offices with plenty of natural light and healthy snacks to keep our team members eating well. It is a positive, collaborative, productive environment where employees have the freedom to thrive. We keep the mood upbeat and encourage recreation while supporting the importance of work/life balance.

Celebrate Innovation

We believe in creative solutions. Nextern challenges team members to stretch their perception of what is possible. We push ourselves to create high-impact solutions that will revolutionize the market. This mindset also helps us develop lasting, meaningful relationships with industry thought leaders and consumers alike. We are proud to encourage innovation that makes a tangible difference in the lives of people around the world.

Encourage Collaboration

In some offices, it is difficult to collaborate between departments. At Nextern, collaboration is an integral part of creating a strong, inter-connected team. To maximize research and development, our biomedical engineers regularly work with clinicians, manufacturers and other innovators. We foster intellectual engagement because it broadens everyone’s horizons. If a team member has an idea, we support it and celebrate it. We recognize that we are all contributing to a shared goal: building a better future for medical device technology.

Team Up with Nextern

At Nextern, we want to see your medical device change lives. Our team is fully committed to seeing production through every stage – creation, iteration, optimization, and sustainability. Our experienced professionals will help you integrate design expertise with medical device manufacturing solutions that lower costs and increase your margins. Partner with us today to learn how Nextern can help you impact lives with your devices. Strive towards a better tomorrow for your patients. Contact us at our website to start the conversation today.

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