3 Emerging Trends in Healthcare Equipment

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Advances in healthcare technology in the last decade or two have dramatically improved the care patients receive. Outpatient home care, clinical care and inpatient treatments are continuing to evolve and advance to cater to a higher level of standard and quality for patients of all backgrounds. Technology trends in healthcare have been accelerated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as rapid tech advancements in other industries. 

This technology has made its way into the healthcare sphere and is making new healthcare equipment patient-friendly and more effective in delivering treatments and care everywhere. The patient experience continues to improve, and these new healthcare trends are quickly becoming commonplace in new devices, instruments and equipment throughout the industry. 

Internet of Things

Medical technology is made more accessible, secure and effective thanks to the continuous implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT). Technology trends in healthcare are rapidly centering around IoT to deliver new healthcare capabilities to patients around the globe. IoT has made remote healthcare possible and secure for clinics and hospitals. 

Remote healthcare has emerged as one of the biggest healthcare trends in recent years, and there is no indication or reason to believe that it will go away. Cloud capabilities, in part due to IoT integration, augment the patient experience and enable physicians and clinics to connect with patients in remote environments. Patients can send data directly to their clinic or hospital. 

As more medical devices and new healthcare equipment are developed, IoT will play a large role in the creation and optimization. Patients and physicians alike will continue to expect and rely on IoT capabilities for more effective and efficient care. 

Wearable Sensors 

More technology trends in healthcare are giving rise to wearable sensors that augment and supplement traditional care and treatments. Remote patient monitoring has emerged as a leading alternative to traditional in-person physical therapy programs and has proven to be as effective. New healthcare technology such as this is designed to improve the patient experience and provide care centered around the patient’s existing lifestyle and routine. 

By implementing wearable sensors and other similar trends in healthcare technology, clinics and hospitals can treat more patients more effectively. Remote patient monitoring and sensors aid physical therapy and other treatment plans that can realistically be completed remotely. This tech gives guidance to patients, sends data to clinics and enables flexibility in a patient’s routine. 

The future of healthcare devices will continue to focus on bringing the clinic and physician to the patient in new ways, such as wearable sensors. While house calls may have faded out of practice, the idea seems to be returning thanks to emerging technology trends in healthcare. 

Enhanced Patient Experience

Medical device manufacturers and engineers are looking for new ways to further enhance the patient experience in new iterations of medical equipment. Because IoT and remote patient monitoring technology are becoming more prevalent in the industry, manufacturers can refine how patients receive care. Rather than prioritizing the raw results of care, developers can focus on care as well as the overall patient experience. 

Remote clinics and telehealth are increasing in popularity and prevalence, making receiving virtual care and prescriptions easier than ever. UX/UI design is rising in focus groups and manufacturing facilities, as well. The patient’s lived experience is driving product iterations and enhancements. With more data coming in from prototype testing, digital trials and other remote collaboration methods, medical device manufacturers can implement new advancements that focus on improving the patient experience, making their devices all the more effective and useful. 

The emerging trend in healthcare equipment to deliver better patient care, rather than simply focusing on delivering a treatment or medicine, is changing the way patients interact with their health. Data is going far beyond the numbers of efficiency and laboratory analysis; it is improving the everyday lives of patients and physicians. 

Follow the Trends

Technology trends in healthcare inform generations of research and manufacturing. Developers, manufacturers and UX/UI specialists are constantly keeping up with healthcare trends to improve the patient experience and deliver better healthcare equipment. These devices and equipment are bigger than numbers on a sheet in a lab. Healthcare trends impact real people and patients in their everyday lives. That is what makes new medical equipment so effective and important. 

Nextern invests in ongoing research and development to stay ahead of new technology and healthcare trends to ensure each partner project is optimized for use in hospitals, clinics and homes. Our designers, developers and manufacturers collaborate to implement user-friendly design and technology to deliver better care around the globe.

Partner with a medical device manufacturer who understands the importance of evolving technology and medical device trends. Contact Nextern and learn how we can work together to develop the next generation of healthcare equipment.  

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