Medical Device Prototyping: What You Need to Know Before Beginning

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Medical device engineering positively impacts patients, caregivers and doctors around the world. New medical devices, instruments and technology are constantly in the works, incorporating the latest user designs and software to refine the capabilities and improve patient experiences. 

Bringing a new medical device to market requires extensive prototyping processes to ensure the final product is safe and effective. But before you can get to the prototyping stage, you need to invest in a trusted partner and a years-long process. 

Prototyping Requires a Comprehensive Plan

Before beginning the engineering and prototyping process, creating a plan is essential. Your project needs to take a comprehensive approach, considering aspects including UX/UI, improving patient care and practicality of the device. 

Creating a strategy for medical device engineering is the first step in a successful project. Working with designers who specialize in medical device prototyping and patient use can expedite the process and move your project to beta testing stages and market availability quickly and efficiently. 

With a road map in hand, your medical device project can get off the ground with minimal issues and will move through the entire process with ease. 

Prototyping Is Iterative and Cyclical

Patience and collaboration are key for medical device prototyping. Beta testing is an exciting process during medical device engineering projects, allowing you to see, hold and use your device in real situations. But beta testing also requires collaboration and oftentimes redesigning and restructuring the device. 

When you put your prototype through beta testing, know that you will often receive feedback and information that will feel like setbacks. Before getting your device approved, however, you need to ensure that it is safe and effective for patient use. Medical device prototyping is iterative and cyclical by nature, and this step is essential in finalizing the design and approach of the product. 

Prototyping is Easier With a Partner

Finally, medical device prototyping is expedited and refined with a proven engineering partner. With a facility, engineers and materials designed specifically for medical device engineering, you can design and develop your product more quickly and with a finer level of quality than doing it in-house. 

Undergoing the entire medical device engineering process can take years to complete, from initial concepts, design, prototyping, optimization and final approval. With a partner who understands the process and can provide a full team of support, your product will receive expert refinement and ongoing development. 

Invest in a Prototyping Partner

Nextern has facilities located around the world, partnering with clients who want to invest in the future of medical device technology. We have vetted partners and suppliers to manage our supply chain, and our state-of-the-art facilities enable us to deliver effective medical device prototyping services to optimize your design and conduct beta testing on your product. 

If you want to invest in your idea for a new medical device, contact Nextern and see how we can help you. 

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Patient on a video call with a physicianNextern technician iterating and manufacturing a medical device